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Holy Orders

In Holy orders, a man is called by God and set aside by the church for ministry. Unmarried men in good standing may apply to the diocese to study for Diocesan Priesthood (work in parishes etc. in a Diocese) or as part of a religious order.

Are you being Called to the Priesthood?

If you are interested in applying to the seminary talk to your pastor today and visit to learn more!

Deacons are called by the church to preach and to look to the needs of the poor, especially widows and orphans. Married or unmarried men aged 35 and older may apply to the diocese for possible formation as a deacon.

Are you called? Talk to your pastor today and visit

Women's & Men's Religious Orders
In vowed or professed religious life, men and women are called by God to live in community or as part of a congregation living out a specific charism, and through self-sacrifice and intense witness, are reminders to the world of the need of prayer and to live faithfully the Christian life. There are numerous orders and congregations, some cloistered, others not, some living all together in one place, others spread far and wide engaged in various ministries in the Church and world.

Are you being called by God to be a sister or a brother? Talk to your pastor, your local brothers or sisters in your parishes and visit the following websites for more information:
School Sisters of Notre Dame
Contact Information:
Immaculate Conception Church
316 E. Scioto
St. James, MO 65559
Office: 573-265-7250

Rev. Gregory Meystrik

Deacon: Larry Clark

Prayer Chain:
Linda Shuster 314-313-0282

Young at Heart:
Judy Bonham 573-699-4429

Knights of Columbus:
Patrick Prawitz 573-465-1033

Cemetery Association:
Bob Wilson 573-263-6222